From the West
Take I-70 East & North along the Kaw River-Strawberry Hill area to James Street Exit #423. Follow James Street to 1ststop and continue straight ahead following signs to Fairfax Blvd. The bottom of the ramp is # 1 Fairfax Blvd. Look for the Kaw Point sign to your right. Turn right and make a u-turn. Head south to the parks only entrance through the concrete flood wall. Park is open from 7am to 10pm daily. If your vehicle is in the parking lot at 10pm you will not be able to remove it until 7am the next morning.

From the East
If heading West on Lewis and Clark Bridge (I-70 from KC Missouri), take the Fairfax Exit #423 on the right and down the ramp.
The bottom of the ramp continue north on Fairfax Blvd. Look for the Kaw point sign on the right. Turn right and make a u-turn. Head south to the parks only entrance through the concrete flood wall. Park is open from 7am to 10pm daily. If your vehicle is in the parking lot at 10pm you will not be able to remove it until 7am the next morning.